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Carsharing Subscriptions

All GetmanCar tariffs you can divide into:

  • Minute tariffs
  • Subscriptions

A subscription means that you buy some amount of time that you use on carsharing services. Subscription is bought before the start of the car rental.

Subscription has certain set of services that are included into the cost, at the same time there can be additional services that are paid separately (for example, the cost of every kilometer).

Which subscriptions you can buy at Getmancar?
  • PO se 69 – you will get 69 minutes for 69 hryvnias that will cost less than per minute tariff (2 hryvnias/minute). However, no kilometer is included into the cost of subscription. Additional payment for every kilometer costs 4,50 hryvnias/kilometer.
  • PI 3,14 – for 3 hours 14 minutes, that costs 189 hryvnias, and every kilometer costs 4,50 hryvnias. This is a stage between a subscription per hour (PO se 69) and subscription per day. While using this tariff you will be able to do everything in three hours that took you the whole day on a public transport.
  • Subscription per day – 589 hryvnias/day and every kilometer costs 4,50 hryvnias/kilometer. It is cheaper than a classical car rental and it takes you less time: you do not need to come to the office of the company in order to get/return the car.
  • Doublet – the subscription is ideal for those who are going to drive in the working hours. It is available from Monday till Friday from 10 am to 8 pm. Subscription, that costs 88 hryvnias in included 28 minutes of car rental and 12 kilometers for your trip that it is hardly to exceed if you take into account traffic jams in Kyiv. It is very useful, the actual cost for one trip from the point A to the point B.

tariff po za 69 Getmancar

tariff pi 3,14 Getmancar

tariff Subscription per day Getmancar

tariff doublet Getmancar

The benefits of the subscription comparing to minute tariffs
  1. You have already bought some amount of time and you will not nervously counting how much will cost you every minute. You will just drive fully concentrated on the road.
  2. One minute of the subscription se will cost you less than one minute in minute tariffs.