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How to protect yourself from a car accident in autumn weather

Despite the fact that autumn is not the coldest period, it is in autumn that the largest number of accidents occur.

This is easy to explain: the unpreparedness and inattention of drivers to unexpected weather changes, because you expect snow and ice only in winter. That is why we would like to share tips for traveling in autumn to protect you from unexpected traffic accidents.

Autumn driving hacks:

  1. Frost on the road – at night the temperature can reach or be close to 0 ° C, so in the morning ice can be easily detected on the ground. In autumn, it is dangerous because ice can be at different road parts, so the driver may not notice the obstacle immediately and be not ready to drive on the ice road. This is how inexperienced drivers catch their first ice, which can lead to critical situations or accidents. To avoid trouble, when driving on the road in autumn, be prepared for the fact that the ground will be frozen and slippery, and follow speed limits and distance so that in a critical situation you have time to react to an obstacle without skidding.

  2. Local freezing – it may be dry outside, and in some area, there were a water leak or liquid spilled; as a consequence, the water freezes on the road. What happens with the driver? Driving a car, he/she does not expect ice ahead, does not keep a distance and accelerates faster. When the driver enters a slippery area, he/she starts to slow down or twist the steering wheel, as a result looses the car control and becomes a participant in a traffic accident. To prevent such situations, you should also be prepared for weather obstacles, keep your distance, do not brake too hard and do not violate speed limits.

  3. Tire quality – sometimes you can't guess which tire will save you, because temperature indicators can jump very much from +15-18 °C during the day to 0 °C at night. Therefore, winter tires would be better for a night trip, and during the day, on the contrary, it may not help, but be a threat, especially if it rains. The same goes for summer tires: at zero temperatures it loses its properties and looks more like plastic than rubber, and cannot adequately respond to the road surface. Therefore, in autumn, you have remember this fact, control the distance and reduce speed in order to have time to react to obstacles.

  4. Keep a distance between cars – it will save you both on wet and ice roads. The braking distance increases in difficult weather conditions, and drivers often forget about this.

  5. Puddles and rain are no less an enemy than ice; getting into a puddle with a high speed is the same as when driving a car on the ice road. If you are also driving using winter tires, then you can have even more trouble on the wet roads, because winter tires do not built for powerful water removal, unlike summer tires do.

  6. Check the air pressure in the tires, it can be changed because of the outside temperature.

  7. While driving, do it carefully and remember that it is better to spend 10-15 minutes more on the road, but arrive at the right place on time, than to save a few minutes and not reach your destination.

We hope the tips are helpful to you.