Additional insurance and liability for the car damage

Let's figure out the issue that worries most users when using a car sharing: what is the responsibility in the event of a traffic accident and how to save yourself from unnecessary expenses?
If, while renting a car-sharing car, you became a participant in a traffic accident, do not panic and follow the algorithm of action in case of an accident:
- stay at the scene of the accident;
- call police and wait for the police coming;
- inform the carsharing support service about the accident;
- take an alcohol test;
- get documents on registration of an accident;
- provide documents (or take a picture and send) to the representative of the carsharing service.
Subject to the above points, depending on the fault of the driver and the insurance chosen by user, the insurance company will indemnify for the damage caused.
Insurance in carsharing
All cars of Getmancar carsharing are insured with a franchise. A deductible is an amount that is not reimbursed by the insurance company. The standard deductible is UAH 30,000. This means that in case of damage to the car while using the service, the maximum liability of the user is UAH 30,000 (if the amount of damage is more than UAH 70 thousand, then to the liability is added + 25% of the amount exceeding UAH 70 thousand).
But if the carsharing driver is innocent of the traffic accident, the accident is fixed and another participant in the accident is found guilty, the user does not take any financial participation.
So, the amount of damage is charged if the user:
- Guilty of a traffic accident.
- If the culprit is not identified.
- If the culprit fled the scene.
Additional insurance
The service has an additional function to reduce liability – additional insurance. It allows you to reduce the user's responsibility to UAH 7,500. That is, in the event of a traffic accident, the maximum amount of compensation will be significantly reduced.
How does supplementary insurance work?
For example, when using the service, a car was damaged, the amount of damage is UAH 3,000. In this case, the user will pay UAH 3000 either standard or additional insurance.
If there was a more significant damage to the car, and the amount of damage is UAH 15,000, the user will pay UAH 15,000 with standard insurance and only UAH 7,500 with additional insurance.
If there was a serious accident, the amount of damage is UAH 60,000, then with standard insurance the user will pay UAH 30,000, while with additional insurance – only UAH 7,500.
Therefore, if you are too worried about the possibility of damaging your car or getting into an accident, it is better to protect yourself and purchase additional insurance.
How can you get additional insurance?
Additional insurance, which will reduce the amount of liability to 7,500 UAH, can be applied for each trip.
To do so:
- Go to the application settings.
- Turn on the "Insurance" function.
- When you enable this function, you will be able to choose before each car booking: to buy additional insurance or not.
- If you want to activate the additional insurance function for the trip – click "Activate" on the card with the offer. If you want to keep the standard insurance – click "No, thanks".
That way, you can choose supplementary insurance for each trip.
How much does extra insurance cost?
The cost of liability reduction depends on the selected tariff plan and class of the car. The liability reduction card shows the cost for each car and rate.
Minute plan
In the minute tariff you pay only during the trip, the reservation and waiting time is not charged.
Hourly rate
The cost of additional insurance in a subscription is charged by the hour.
Daily tariff
The cost is indicated per day, if you have rented a car for several days and have chosen a liability reduction service, then the insurance is purchased for all days of rent.
Payment for additional insurance is made together with the amount of the trip after the completion of the rental car.
In what cases of an accident do you not pay for anything?
If you were involved in an accident caused by another traffic participant, but you acted according to the rules of a traffic accident: you did not leave the scene of the accident, you called and waited for the police, and they found the guilty party, and also recognized that you were not guilty and were not under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medicines – in this case, even if you have not purchased additional insurance, you do not pay any losses.
When does the additional insurance stop to be valid?
Cases in which the additional insurance does not apply:
- If there is no police record of the accident (if the driver damaged the car and didn't call the police or didn't wait for them, but drove on).
- If at the time of the accident the driver was under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medicines, or if he/she refused to be tested for intoxication.
- If the driver left the scene of the accident.
- If there was a hydrostroke – water entering the engine.
- If the tires are punctured or cut.
- If the driver refused to provide documents at the registration of the accident.
- Other cases stipulated by the offer agreement.
When can I not buy extra insurance?
If you are a regular carshare user, and you have many successful trips under your belt, and if you are an experienced driver, it may be better to leave the standard insurance and pay only in case of a road accident.
However, to protect yourself from unplanned high costs and to ensure peace of mind during your trips, it is advisable to purchase additional insurance for every trip.
Be responsible on the roads and take care of yourself!
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