Departure from the usage area
The car service has two zones: the service start/end zone and the car use area.
You can finish or start a new car sharing n the zone start/end zone or put the car into the waiting mode.
It is possible to move by car, start car sharing, put the car in waiting mode in the usage zone, but it is impossible to complete the car sharing there.
What happens if you leave the car use area
If the user leaves the zone of use of the car, he receives an SMS message about leaving the zone of car sharing. He can also receive call from the Support Service and ask to return to the zone of use of the car.
If you ignore these norms and continue driving, the car may stop and can not move at all.
If you have any suggestions for changing the zone of use of the car, we are pleased to hear them and implement them.
All your questions and comments please write to: