Silent Night or Free Waiting
You can use the "Silent Night" tariff from 23:00 o`clock to 7 AM every day.
According to this tariff, the "Waiting" service is provided for free from 23:00 to 07:00 AM (in usual format 0.99-1.29 UAH / minute).
If you do not know what is for "Waiting" mode, go to the link and read our publication about the "wait" mode.
Quiet night in Minute tariffs: per minute, VZIK.
If you use the per-minute mode, when you go to the "Wait" mode, your GetmanCar is closed, the minute rate (VZIK - 3,99 UAH) is not charged, and the payment is 0.99 UAH. for each minute of waiting (1.29 UAH in packages with 0 deductible).
Now, if you switched to the "Wait" mode after 23:00 AM. Then from 23:00 AM to 07:00 AM the "Waiting" mode is used for FREE, that is, 0 UAH. per a minute.
Quiet night in the Subscriptions: hourly, PO za 69, PO za 96, Pi, daily and daily light.
In subscription tariffs, the "Waiting" mode will be provided FREE of charge, but as soon as your subscription ends and only during the period from 23 AM to 07 AM. In the remaining period of time, charging will take place according to the standard procedure, according to the subscription rate.
Why do you need the "Waiting" mode at night or FREE?
This tariff is useful:
- You came home from work and do not want the car taken away, you just need to go to work or on business by car - choose "waiting."
- You book a car from the night, that is, you decide to make a trip, at night you put a reservation and till the morning, the car is yours, for free.
- You are out of the drop off zone, but in the zone of use. For example: you go to Brovary, you live there. You arrive in Brovary in the evening, then switched on the "Waiting" mode (it is FREE from 23 to 07 AM), the car is closed, despite the fact that this is a zone only for use and there you can`t finish the car sharing, you can left the car till the morning. After, you leave by car in the morning. You can start the car sharing at a per-minute rate in the morning, taking the car out from the “waiting” mode.
Questions and answers
What will happen if I ordered a "PO za 69" tariff, from 22:30 to 23:39, and at 00:10 transferred the car to the "Waiting" mode near the house?
In this case, up to 23:39 you will have the tariff "PO za 69" (there is a free wait, it is included in the subscription), and from 23:39 to 07:00 AM "waiting" in the per-minute tariff "Silent Night", also Free until 07:00 in the morning.
What happens if I do not use the car after 7:00 am?
If you do not start using the car after 07:00 in the morning, you will be charged with the "Waiting" tariff, according to the per minute tariff (0.99 UAH/minute in standard packages and 1.29 UAH/minute in “all-inclusive packages”)
How do the tariff take place after 07:00 in the morning?
If you do not have an active subscription, then you will be switched to the per-minute "waiting" tariff.
I came home at 22:00, but I want the car to be with me, I will leave home at 08:00 am, how will the tariffing take place?
from 22:00 to 22:59, if you put the car in the "waiting" mode, then at 0.99 UAH. (1.29 UAH in @all-inclusive packages@),
from 23:00 to 07:00 in the morning - FREE OF CHARGE,
from 07:00 to 08:00 in the morning to 0,99 UAH. (1.29 UAH in packages all included).
After 08:00 in the morning - according to the fare you have chosen for the trip.
I came to Brovary, put the car in "Waiting" mode, I want to choose the tariff "PO za 69" in the morning, but I can`t. Why?
After the expiration of your subscription, you are automatically transferred to the Per-minute rate. You can change the tariff at the beginning of the car sharing for a subscription. To do this, you must complete the previous car sharing. If you are outside of the "drop off" area, you can`t complete the car sharing, then you need to reach the "drop off" zone at the Per-Minute rate, and then "finish" the rent and start over from the subscription.
If I chose the Daily rate, how can I get a FREE "Waiting" mode?
If your current Daily Subscription is valid, the "Waiting" mode is included in it. You can use free of charge only after the subscription of "Daily" is finished.