Carsharing zones

There are two main zones in carsharing that you always see on the map in the application:
1. Zones of use.
2. End zones.
Zone of use
The "zone of use" of the service is the largest zone on the map of the mobile app, which defines the boundaries of using the cars of the service. That is, you can use the car rental within these boundaries. The "zone of use" covers the city and the surrounding area and is indicated in light blue or blue outline on the map.

Be careful, driving outside the "zone of use" can lead to loss of support, interruption of car service, and as a result, to the imposition of penalties.
Features of the "zone of use"
In the "Zone of use" you can:
- Get around in a rented car.
- Start a new car rental.
- Put the car in "Parking" mode.
- Put the car in the "Share" mode.
A car rental cannot be terminated in the “zone of use”; there is a special “end zone” for the end of rent.
If the car has left the "zone of use" of the service?
In the app, you always see your geolocation and service areas, so you can hardly accidentally leave the limits of the carsharing. In addition, if you leave the zone, you will be sent a message to your phone or mobile app about the need to return to the service zone of use. In some cases, fines may be imposed for deliberately leaving the "zone of use".
Please note that leaving the "zone of use" is automatically regarded by the system as an attempt to steal a car, therefore, some functions of the service may be blocked. In this case, the operator of the support service will contact you and inform you about the need to return to the "zone of use".
End zone
The “end zone” of the ride is a special area where you can leave your car and complete the ride. Such zones are located in almost all districts of the city in places where parking is allowed. There are many such zones on the map, they are located within the "zone of use" and are indicate in other color.

In the “еnd zone”, you can start and end the ride, as well as leave the car in the “waiting” (parking) mode.
Features of the "end zone"
The main feature of the zone is that it is possible to complete the ride and leave the car for the next users only in this zone. “End zones” are under constant review and may be expanded or new added. Sometimes we can delete a zone. Among the reasons: high accident rate on a narrow street, frequent evacuation due to violation of parking rules, road repairs or changing parking to a private one.
“Drop off zones” can be paid or free. Free zones are marked in purple on the map. Paid zones are yellow, as well as price markers. The fee for such a zone is charged only if the car was rented in the free zone, and left after the ride in the paid zone. You can read more about paid zones in the article.
Can I complete the ride outside the “end zone”?
If you have an unforeseen situation when you need to complete the ride in a place not intended for this, that is, outside the “end zone”, you can use the “share” mode.
“Share” is a mode that allows you to complete the ride outside the “end zone”. In this case, the car will close and become available to other users. On the map, the car icon in the "share" mode will be marked in blue. The "transfer" function is paid; its cost is 0.30 UAH/min. Tariffing will continue until the car is booked by another user.

It is important that another user of the service pick up the car from the “share” mode. If you try to rent a car that you have put in the “share” mode, the system will automatically recalculate all the time in the “share” mode to the “waiting” (parking) mode, the cost of which is 0.99 UAH/min.
You will not be able to book a new car while your car is in "share" mode.
If I need to travel outside the "zone of use" to another city?
We can offer you a classic car rental, equipped with a spare wheel and everything you need for out-of-town trips, so that you move comfortably throughout Ukraine. Call us or write to get more information about classic car rental.
How can I see the "end zone" and "zone of use"?
You can see the zones in the Getmancar mobile app, even if you are not loge in. Service zones and free cars will be shown on the map.