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Blog. Publications about the Getmancar service

Carsharing Getmancar news

Everything about car evacuation in carsharing

Евакуація автомобіля

Sometimes it happens that the carsharing car was evacuated. Why did this happen, what to do, how to act? We tell cases in this article.

Why was the car evacuated?

The car is evacuated in the event that it significantly interferes with other road users or poses a threat to safe traffic. Violations of traffic rules, improper parking can lead to evacuation. It happens that the driver ran out of the car for 20 minutes on business and was too lazy to stop correctly. In such such cases cars are often evacuated.

Who can evacuate the car?

The police and the parking inspection have the right to evacuate the car. Someone thinks that cars are evacuated by carsharing itself, but the service does not have such competence, and it is not beneficial for the service, and here's why:

  • When the car is evacuated, it is taken to a penalty area, which is usually located on the outskirts of the city. In order to reach and pick up the car, we need to involve at least 2 employees of the company and 1 company car for several hours to get to the penalty parking space in traffic jams and then return back in two cars.
  • Evacuation entails additional costs and time for processing administrative violations, paying fines and other related issues.
  • During the evacuation, the car does not available, which means that users cannot use it; minus one car in the fleet and minus profit.

Common reasons for the evacuation of a shared car

We have collected the most popular reasons for the evacuation of cars from our service so that you can remember them and prevent possible unpleasant situations:

  • parking in places for people with disabilities;

    Паркування на місцях для людей з інвалідністю

  • parking at public transport stops or closer than 30 meters from the nearest public transport stop;
  • parking at pedestrian crossings or closer than 10 meters from them;

    Паркування на пішоходному переході

  • parking on a lawn, sidewalk (if less than 2 meters for a pedestrian), tram tracks;
  • parking on overpasses, bridges and under them, as well as in tunnels and at railway crossings;
  • Parking under signs prohibiting stopping or parking.
  • Parking along the side of the road in the second row.

What to do if the car has been evacuated?

If the car was evacuated, do not panic, contact the support team via phone +38 (097) 444-5-222 or write to the Telegram chat and tell the car number, and follow the operators instructions.

Who pays for the evacuation of a ridded car?

According to the rules of the service, the evacuation of the car is paid by the customer, whose actions led to the evacuation, because it was not the car that violated the rules, but the person who drove it.

How not to pay for evacuation?

It's very simple: do not break the rules so that the car has no reason to evacuate. Thus, you do not have to spend money for the evacuation of the vehicle.

Follow the rules, take care of yourself and everything will be fine!